Title | Description |
Room Rent Limit | Covered upto Sum Insured |
ICU Daily Rent Limit | Covered |
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses | 30 days |
Post Hospitalization Expenses | 60 days |
Minimum Hospitalization Period | 24 Hrs |
Day Care Procedure Coverage | Covered upto Sum Insured |
Additional Cover for Critical Illness | NA |
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured | Up to Base Sum Insured |
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage | For SI upto 4 Lac after 48 Month of continuous coverage. For SI more than 4 Lac after 36 months of continuous coverage |
Waiting Period for New Policy | 30 days |
Co-Payment | NA |
Medical Screening | NA |
Free Health Checkup | Variant I: Once in two years. Variant II and Variant II: Annual as per annexture |
Ambulance Expenses | up to 3000 |
Non-Allopathic Treatments | Covered upto Sum Insured |
New Born Baby Cover | No |
Daily Hospitalization Allowance | Upto 4000 per day |
Donor Expenses | Covered |
Attendant Allowance | NA |
Nursing Allowance | Covered |
No Claim Discount | NA |
No Claim Bonus | 20% of base SI, max 100% |